Dental Crowns in San Diego, CA

Dental Crowns in San Diego, CA

Dental crowns are prosthetic devices cemented onto damaged or decayed teeth to restore their shape, strength, functionality, and appearance. Typically made from materials like porcelain, ceramic, metal alloys, or composite resin, crowns fully cover the visible portion of a tooth above the gum line. They are typically needed when a tooth is extensively decayed, cracked, or worn down and cannot be effectively treated with a filling.

Crowns are also used by our dentists in San Diego, CA, to protect a weak tooth from breaking, to restore a broken tooth, to cover and support a tooth with a large filling when there isn't much tooth structure left, to hold a dental bridge in place, to cover a misshaped or severely discolored tooth, and to cover a dental implant. Crowns are crucial in maintaining oral health and function by providing structural integrity and aesthetic improvement.  

Types of Dental Crowns 

Metal Crowns 

Metal crowns, such as those made from gold alloy or base metal alloys, are highly durable and resistant to wear and tear. They are less prone to chipping or cracking than porcelain or ceramic crowns and require less removal of the tooth structure for placement. 


  • Exceptional durability and strength 
  • Minimal wear on opposing teeth 
  • Longevity, with less risk of fracture

Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns 

PFM crowns combine the strength of metal with the aesthetics of porcelain. They have a metal substructure that provides stability and support, with a porcelain outer layer that resembles natural tooth enamel. PFM crowns are versatile and can be used to restore front and back teeth. 


  • The metal core provides a robust foundation, making PFM crowns suitable for molars and premolars that endure significant chewing forces. 
  • The porcelain coating can be color-matched to the adjacent teeth, offering a natural look. 
  • PFM crowns are suitable for front and back teeth due to their blend of strength and appearance. 

Porcelain Crowns 

Porcelain crowns are popular due to their natural appearance and ability to match the color of surrounding teeth, making them ideal for front teeth restoration. They are crafted to blend in seamlessly with your natural teeth, providing an aesthetically pleasing result. Porcelain crowns are also biocompatible, reducing the risk of allergic reactions. 


  • Excellent aesthetics, closely resembling natural teeth 
  • Biocompatible and suitable for patients with metal allergies 
  • Durable and stain-resistant with proper care 

Ceramic Crowns 

Like porcelain crowns, ceramic crowns are made from a translucent material that mimics the appearance of natural tooth enamel. They are ideal for restoring front or back teeth and are known for their strength and durability. Ceramic crowns are often preferred for their aesthetic appeal and ability to blend in seamlessly with natural teeth.  


  • Natural appearance with excellent color-matching 
  • Durable and strong, suitable for both front and back teeth 
  • Biocompatible and hypoallergenic 

Gold Crowns 

Gold crowns are made from gold alloys, often mixed with other metals for added strength. Due to their metallic color, they are not commonly used for visible teeth but are popular for molars.  


  • Gold crowns are highly resistant to wear and fracture, making them one of the longest-lasting options 
  • They are well-tolerated by gum tissues and rarely cause allergic reactions 
  • Gold crowns require less removal of the natural tooth structure, preserving more of the original tooth 

Composite Resin Crowns 

Composite resin crowns are made from tooth-colored resin. These crowns are less durable than others but offer a cost-effective solution for specific situations 


  • Composite resin can be color-matched to natural teeth, providing a pleasing appearance 
  • These crowns are generally less expensive than other types, making them a budget-friendly option 
  • Composite resin crowns often require less removal of the natural tooth structure 

The Uses of Dental Crowns 

Restoration of Severely Decayed Teeth 

Dental crowns are often used to restore teeth with extensive decay beyond what a filling can repair. When a tooth is significantly weakened by decay, a crown can cover and protect the remaining structure, preventing further damage and preserving the tooth's functionality. Contact us today to learn more!

Protection of Cracked or Fractured Teeth 

Teeth cracked or fractured due to trauma or wear can be vulnerable to further damage and infection. A dental crown can encase the tooth, holding it together and preventing the crack or fracture from worsening. This helps maintain the tooth's integrity and prevents the need for extraction.  

Support for Teeth With Large Fillings 

Large fillings in teeth, especially after extensive decay removal, may require additional support to prevent fracture. A dental crown can cover the tooth and the filling, reinforcing and ensuring the tooth remains strong and functional. 

Coverage for Dental Implants 

Dental crowns in San Diego, CA, are the visible component of dental implants. A crown is attached to the implant abutment after a dental implant is surgically placed into the jawbone to replace a missing tooth root. This restores the appearance and function of a natural tooth, completing the dental implant restoration. 

Cosmetic Enhancement 

Dental crowns are also used for cosmetic purposes to improve the appearance of teeth that are discolored, misshapen, or have other aesthetic imperfections. Crowns can be made from materials like porcelain or ceramic, which closely mimic the natural color and translucency of teeth, enhancing smile aesthetics. 

Dental crowns play a crucial role in modern dentistry by restoring the function and appearance of damaged or imperfect teeth. Visit Mira Mesa Dental Care at 6755 Mira Mesa Blvd, Ste 142, San Diego, CA 92121, or call (858) 457-7747 to schedule a consultation and discover how dental crowns can help restore your smile.

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San Diego, CA

6755 Mira Mesa Blvd, Ste 142, San Diego, CA 92121


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(858) 457-7747