Posted by Mira Mesa Dental Care 2016-05-03
Before you come into Mira Mesa Dental Care for a crown lengthening treatment, Dr. Rossana T. Alfonso and our team would like to help you prepare for your appointment so you can feel more comfortable and relaxed in the dental chair.
Crown lengthening treatment in San Diego, California, is a beneficial way of improving your oral health and beautifying your smile. When you come into our office for the treatment, you can expect the following steps:
- Step 1: First, your dentist will numb your mouth with a local anesthetic. This will help prevent pain and discomfort during your appointment and it will also help you have a successful and positive dental experience.
- Step 2: Then, your dentist will cut the gums and pull them away from the teeth, exposing the roots and surrounding bone.
- Step 3: The gum tissue in the mouth and the bone around the roots of the teeth will be removed. The bone will be removed by using a combination of hand and rotary instruments.
- Step 4: Once the surface of the tooth has been exposed, the area will be deeply cleaned. Generally, it will be irrigated with sterile salt water.
- Step 5: When the area is deeply cleaned and free from bacteria, debris, and particles, your gums will be stitched back together.
Call 858-457-7747 today if you have any questions or if you would like to know more! Our team is more than happy to help you—all you need to do is dial our office number. The sooner you call us, the sooner you’ll have all the information you need to succeed!